Sunday 6 December 2015

Serikaya Cake

Ingredients :

230g butter
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
5 eggs

(B) Sieve together :
175g plain flour
1.5 tsp double action baking powder 

(C) Mix :
100g condensed milk (a bit too sweet)
150g kaya
125g Horlicks
100g treacle
200ml evaporated milk

Macadamia nuts (chopped)

Methods :
1.    Grease a 9" round tin.  Preheat oven at 180 C.
2.   Beat butter and vanilla till creamy.  Add in eggs one at a time.
3.   Add in (B) and (C) alternately until well combined.
4.   Pour into tin and sprinkle with chopped macadamia.
5.    Steam bake for 45 - 50 mins untl skewer comes out clean.

Saturday 5 December 2015

Marble Chocolate Cheese Cake

Ingredients :
180g butter
20g cooca powder
170g castor sugar
3 eggs
120g SR flour

250g cream cheese
60g castor sugar
1 ts vanilla
1 egg
1/2 cup water (or milk)


1.   Melt butter. Add cocoa powder and mix well
2.   Cool slightly. Add in sugar.  Beat in egg one by one.
3.   Mix in flour.  Pour into 8" square tin.
4.   Bake at 170C for 15 minutes ( half cooked)
5.   Mix and beat well all ingredients (B)
6.  Pour over (A).
7.   Swirl thru with small knife for marble effect.
8.   Bake for 30 mins

Nutella Oreo Cheese Cake

(A)  Base :

190 g   Oreo + Julie (remove cream)
60 g    unsalted butter (melted)


750 g     cream cheese (room temp.)
1/2 c      heavy cream
3/4 c      sugar (165 gm)
3/4 Tb   cornstarch
1.5 tsp    vanilla extract
3             eggs (room temp)

1/2 c    Nutella
1.5 Tb     heavy cream


1.    Pulse oreo in a food processor.  Add melted butter & mix .
2.    Pour out mixture into a 10 in springfoam pan.
3.    Bake 180 C for 13 - 15 min
4.    Mix cream cheese with heavy cream.  Add in ingredients (B)
5.    Reserved 1/3 (B) mixture
6.    Add  (C) to  no. 5
7.    Pour  (B) onto cookie base , even top with spatula.
8.    Pour in no. 6, even the top
9.    Bake at 150 C for 45 - 55 mins
10.  Turn off the heat , leave cake in oven for another 1 hour.
11.   Remove cake and let it cool completely before  unmoulding.
12.   Top with chocolate ganache.  Refrigerate overnight.

Ganache  :
 1.    Boil 1/3 cup of cream . 
 2.    Add in 2/3 cup of nutella.

Friday 20 November 2015


Ingredients :

1 medium size ripe honeydew  

1 cup sagu
hot water
6 pandan leaves
1/2 can evaporated milk
sugar to taste
1/4 pot water

Methods :

1.  Soak sagu in hot water 

2.  Blend honeydew. Leave few pieces to dice
3.  Boil 1/4 pot of water with pandan leaves.
4.  Pour in the honeydew and sagu.
5.  Add evaporated milk and sugar to taste

Saturday 14 November 2015


Yields 10 mooncakes

Longan filling : (17 small tart moulds)

1.5 tsp  agar-agar powder
1 tsp     jelly powder
50g       sugar (too sweet)
15 ml    longan syrup
150ml   water
longan flesh (cubes)

Mooncake skin:

300 g      dragon fruit 
750 ml    water 
80 g        sugar 
3 Tbs      agar-agar powder
3/4 Tbs   Instant Jelly powder

1.   Blend the dragon fruit until it become puree  
2.   Combine all the ingredients together and cook until it boils.
3.   Then pour the skin mixture into the plastic jelly mould to 1/3 only.
4.   Let them cool for awhile, then place the filling jelly in the centre of each jelly mould.
5.   Continue by pour the remaining mixture into the mould until the filling is covered.
6.   Leave them to set, keep chilled.

Friday 24 July 2015

Chocolate Muesli Bread


500 g wholemeal flour

1 tsp salt
2 tsp dried fast action yeast
30 g butter, cubed
75 ml whole milk, warmed
225 ml lukewarm water
a little extra wholemeal flour for dusting
200 g chocolate muesli
a little extra muesli for sprikling


1.  Mix the flour, salt and yeast in a mixing bowl.

2.  Rub the butter into the mixture until it resembles fine breadcrumbs before        gradually adding the milk and water, mixing in between additions until a          sticky dough is formed.
3.  Turn out onto a floured surface and knead until smooth and elastic, working      in the muesli as you knead.
4.  place in a clean, oiled bowl and cover with a damp towel. Leave to prove in      a warm place for an hour.
5.  Knock the dough into a baking tray, cover with the towel and let it proves        for another hour.
6.  Preheat the oven to 200oC /400oF.
7.  Sprinkle a little mueslion top, press in gently and bake for 18 - 22 minutes        until risen.
8.  Leave to cool before serving.

Japanese Cotton Cheese Cake

Making an 8” round cheese cake

250g Cream Cheese, softened
50g Butter, softened
100ml Fresh Milk

1tbsp Lemon Juice
60g Cake flour
20g Corn flour
6 yolks
1/4tsp salt

6 Whites
1/4 tsp Cream of tartar
140g Caster Sugar

1. Preheat oven 160oC

2. Lightly grease and line the bottom and sides of the pan with greaseproof baking paper or parchment paper. Make sure the baking paper extends higher than the cake tin by about 1.5 inches . Wrap around the outside of baking tin with aluminium foil, to prevent seepage.

3. Place the softened cream cheese, butter and fresh milk in a mixing bowl and stir over double-boiler until melt and mixture is thick and creamy. Remove it from double-boiler to cool.
4. Upon slightly cool, add in the egg yolks, cake flour, corn flour and salt and mix until well combined.
5. Sieve the egg yolk and flour mixture into another clean bowl. Set aside.

6. In another bowl, whip the egg whites in till foamy, add in cream of tartar, continue to whisk. Gradually add in the caster sugar, whisk till soft peaks form.

7. Add one-third of egg whites mixture into the cheese mixture and use whisk to stir well (to loosen the mixture . Continue to fold gently with the balance egg white mixture.

8. Pour the batter onto the prepared pans. Place a sheet of aluminium foil and loosely place it over the tin. Bake cheesecake in a water bath for 1 hour 10 mins or until set and golden brown at 160°C.

9. Leave to cool in oven with door ajar, about 30mins to 1 hour. Sudden changes in temperature may cause the cake to cool too quickly and collapse.

Banana Walnut Cake

Prepare a rectangular mould 11.5cm x 22cm x 6cm


 200 gm butter, softened at room temperature
 150 gm brown sugar
 280 gm ripe bananas, mashed
 4 eggs (120 gm), whisked
 100 ml milk
 240 gm cake flour
 1 tsp baking soda
 1/2 tsp salt
 100 gm walnuts, roughly chopped


1.  Preheated oven to 180oC /356oF
2.  Cream the butter with sugar with an electric mixer until light yellow, about 4 to 5 minutes.
3.  Add 1/3 of whisked egg into butter mixture at a time and mix well between adds. Combine                  thoroughly. Pour in the milk and combine well.
4.  Add mashed bananas. Combine well with a spatula or wooden spoon.
5.  Mix flour, baking soda and salt together. Sift into the banana mixture and combine well. Sprinkle        walnuts and fold in. Reserve some walnuts to sprinkle over the surface of batter.
6. Transfer batter into a baking mould. Bake for 40 to 45 minutes, or until lightly brown and cooked        through.
7. Test with a needle. If it comes out clean, the cake is done. Slice and serve on a platter. Enjoy!

Durian Muffins


• 220g self raising flour, sifted (or substitute with 110g plain flour + 1/2tsp cream of tartar + 1/4 tsp       bicarb soda)
• 80g castor sugar

• 2 large eggs, lightly beaten
• 180ml fresh milk
• 120g melted butter

• 300g durian puree, divide into two portions

Preheat the oven to 170 degree Celcius.

1. Mix A together in a mixing bowl
2. Mix B into A, whisk until just combined.

Tips:  Don't overmix, else your muffin will be dense.
Just 4-5 brisk whisk will do.

3. Stir in half the durian puree into the batter. Scoop a heap teaspoon of batter into muffin cups,               gently tap the muffin pan on the kitchen counter to level the batter, then add a dollop of durian             puree at the centre of the batter, and spoon another heap teaspoon of batter on top.
4. Bake at 170C for 25 minutes