Saturday 5 December 2015

Nutella Oreo Cheese Cake

(A)  Base :

190 g   Oreo + Julie (remove cream)
60 g    unsalted butter (melted)


750 g     cream cheese (room temp.)
1/2 c      heavy cream
3/4 c      sugar (165 gm)
3/4 Tb   cornstarch
1.5 tsp    vanilla extract
3             eggs (room temp)

1/2 c    Nutella
1.5 Tb     heavy cream


1.    Pulse oreo in a food processor.  Add melted butter & mix .
2.    Pour out mixture into a 10 in springfoam pan.
3.    Bake 180 C for 13 - 15 min
4.    Mix cream cheese with heavy cream.  Add in ingredients (B)
5.    Reserved 1/3 (B) mixture
6.    Add  (C) to  no. 5
7.    Pour  (B) onto cookie base , even top with spatula.
8.    Pour in no. 6, even the top
9.    Bake at 150 C for 45 - 55 mins
10.  Turn off the heat , leave cake in oven for another 1 hour.
11.   Remove cake and let it cool completely before  unmoulding.
12.   Top with chocolate ganache.  Refrigerate overnight.

Ganache  :
 1.    Boil 1/3 cup of cream . 
 2.    Add in 2/3 cup of nutella.

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