Friday 21 December 2012


Panettone  is a type of sweet bread loaf originally from Italy.  It has a  cupola shape, which extends from a cylindrical base and is usually about 12–15 cm high for a panettone weighing 1 kg.

 I used the normal bread loaf tin bcos I don't have cylindrical panettone moulds...

Ingredients :

(A)   80g raisins / 80g apricot / 150g rum (soak 5 hrs or overnight)
(B)   200g bread flour / 30g honey / 3g yeast /  20g apple puree / 90g water
(C)   100g bread flour / 20g sugar /1/2 tsp salt / 1 tsp rum / 30g eggs / 20g milk
(D)  80g unsalted butter
(E) Crumbles
15g sugar powder / 25g plain flour / 3g milk powder / 20g unsalted butter

1.         Mix  (B) till become dough. Place the dough in a bowl , cover with cling wrap and let it proof for 3 hours.
2.    Mix together (C).
3.     Combine (C) with (B) .  Knead at low speed then turn to medium speed until it become a smooth dough.
4.         Add in the butter and knead at low speed until the butter combine with the dough. Turn to medium speed and knead dough  become  smooth and elastic.
5.         Drain the soaked raisins and apricot.  Add to the dough .
6.         Place the dough into a lightly greased bowl and cover with cling wrap. Proof for 1 hour.
7.         Rub (E) with your fingertips till become crumbly.  Set aside
8.         Divide the dough into 3 portions and round them into balls. Place each dough into the Panettone moulds or tins.   Proof the dough for 1 hour.
9.         Egg wash the doughs and sprinkle  some crumble on the doughs.
10.  Bake at 180'C in a preheated oven for 25 minutes until golden brown.

Rich with fruits. A must try for those who loves rum flavoured bakes !

Sunday 16 December 2012

Cheezy Butterfly

Ingredients :
220g butter
60g shortening
60g icing sugar
380g  plain flour
50g  cornflour
2tbs  milk powder

3 egg yolk
175g cheddar cheese ( not cheezy enuf)


1.   Cream (A) till light.  Add in the yolks.
2.   Mix in (B) in a few portions.
3.   Add in Chedddar cheese.
4.   Bake in a heated oven at 180C for approx. 15mins
5.   Cool biscuits completey before keeping in air tight containers

Friday 7 December 2012

American Rye Bread

The bread is soft and fluffy,not as dense as the German Rye Bread. The brown sugar used added more fragrant to the bread

The Recipe :
Yields 1 big loaf

220g High protein flour

80g  Rye flour
5g   Yeast
10g  Brown sugar
50g  Egg
15g  Butter
160g Water


1.  Put all the ingredients except butter into a mixing bowl.
2.  Knead with a mixer till become dough.
3.  Add in butter and continue knead for 30 minutes.
4.  Proof the dough for 40 minutes.
5.  Gently punch down the dough, cover with a damp towel
6.  Rest for 10 minutes.
7.  Roll to flatten the dough then rolled it up tightly like a swiss roll.
8.  Place the dough in a well greased bread tin. Cover with a    damp towel
9.  Second proofing for 45  minutes.
10. Bake in a preheated oven at 190'C for about 30-40 minutes.

Tuesday 16 October 2012

Pineapple Prawn Soup (黄梨虾汤)


Chicken bones               800 g
Medium prawn              500 g
Squids                           200 g
Dried Asam                    4 pcs
Galangal                         4 pcs
Small chili                       5 pcs
Big chili                          3 pcs
Tomato                          3 pcs
Can pineapple                1 can
Basil leaf ( daun selasih)  10 pcs
Water                             10 bowls


2 tsp   Kelantanese fish sauce a.k.a. budu
1 tbsp sugar


1.  Scald chicken bone in boiling water, remove and rinse.
2.  Remove prawns head and shell, keep tail.  Rinse well and wipe dry.
3.  Clean squids, cut lines on it and cut into pieces.
4.  Marinate prawns and squids with seasonings.
5.  Peel galangal and shred.
6.  Rinse small chili and smash.
7. Clean tomatoes and cut into four.
8.  Boil a pot of water, add chicken bones over medium eat for 30 minutes.
9.  Add galangal, small chili and big chili.
10.  Open a can of pineapple, with the juice, pour in the whole can.
11.  Add in the asam.
12.  Reduce heat to low fire and boil for another hour.
13.  Remove all chicken bones. Add in the prawns and squids.
14.  Boil for 3 minutes.  Off the fire. Add in the basil leaves.
15.  Stir well and serve.

Sunday 14 October 2012

Lemongrass with Old Chicken Soup (香茅老母鸡汤)


1 whole old chicken
200 g lemon grass (15 cm long)
200 g shallots
1 carot
1 tablespoon black pepper powder
4 pcs dried asam gelugor


1.  Remove the skin and fats of an old chicken.
2.  Clean and cut into 8 pieces.
3.  Flap the lemon grass and cut into piece of 15 cm.
4.  Remove shallots skin and rinse.
5.  Peel a carrot, cut into big pieces.
6.  Place all ingredients into a pot.
7.  Pour in water until all ingredients about 1 cm submerged.
8.  Put in a tablespoon of blackpepper powder and dried asam.
9.  Bring to boil over high heat, then reduce to low heat and cook for 4 hours.
10.  Add salt to taste.
11.  Top up water if necessary.

The chicken in the recipe can be replace by Atlantis Mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) a.k.a ikan kembong.  Cooking time reduce to 2 hours and the fish boil during the last 20 minutes.  Add more dried asam.

Sunday 7 October 2012

Nasi Dagang

Nasi dagang is a Malaysian and Southern Thailand dish fish consisting of rice steamed in coconut milk, fish curry and extra ingredients such as fried shaved coconut (sambal kelapa), Hard boiled egg and vegetable pickles (Jelatah). Nasi Dagang literally means "Trading Rice". It is a well-known breakfast food in the states on the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia, such as Terengganu and Kelantan and Pattani, Yala and Narathiwat in Southern Thailand. 
                                                                                                                                          -  Wikipedia

This is my first try.  The full course of Nasi Dagang.

For the rice

250 g   nasi dagang rice
1 teaspoon of fenugreek seed 
100 g of shallots (cut into stripes)
50 g of ginger (cut into stripes)
250 g of coconut milk

1.  Soak the rice in water for 3 hours.
2.  Mix all ingredients in a tray.
3.  Place it into a steamer and steam for 30 minutes.
4.  Take out the rice from the steamer and loosen it.

For the fish curry

300 g   ikan tongkol@ aya (Thunnus tonggol)
50 g of fish curry powder
250 g onion
250 g shallot
100 g of ginger
100 g of galangal (lengkuas)
100 g of dried chili
50 g of garlic
10 g of turmeric 
250 g coconut milk
1 tablespoon of coriander seed (ketumbar)
1 piece of star anise (bunga lawang)
5 pieces of cardamom (buah pelaga)
5 piece of clove (cengkih)
1 piece of cinnamon (kayu manis)
4 piece of dried asam gelugor@ asam keping (Garcinia atroviridis)
2 piece of 3 cm long lemon grass
5 tablespoons of cooking oil

1.  Put onion, shallot, ginger, lengkuas, dried chili and garlic into a blender and blend into paste.
2.  Heat up 5 tablespoon of cooking oil in a wok, put in the blended paste and stir until light brownish.
3.  Add in the curry power, coriander seeds, star anise, cloves, cardamom, cinnamon and stir until fragrant.
4.  Add in the coconut milk.
5.  Add in 300 ml or water.
6.  Stir until boil.
7.  Add in the turmeric and pounded lemon grass.
8.  Add in the fish, cook till boil.
9.  Turn down the fire and shimmer for 15 minutes.

For the jelatah

Half a medium size pineapple
1 zucchini 
1 USA carrot
1 big onion
1 red chili 
2 tablespoons of dry shrimp
2 tablespoon of vinegar
1/2 teaspoon of sugar
1 tablespoon of lemon juice

1.  Peel and dice the pineapple.
2.  Cut the carrot into stripes.
3.  Cut slice the zucchini.
4.  Cut the onion into stripes.
5.  Cut the red chili into stripes
6.  Place all into a salad bowl.
7.  Add vinegar, sugar and lemon juice.
8.  Chill the mixture in a refrigerator until serving time.
9.  Fry the dry shrimps until crispy.
10.  Add to the mixture before serving.

For the Sambal Kelapa

Ingredients :
100 g of grilled fish meat
100 g of grated coconut
50 g of shallot
50 g of garlic
100 g cane sugar/coconut sugar
2 piece of pounded lemon grass

1.  Blend all (except lemon grass)  the ingredients in a blender until fine.
2.  Saute the blended ingredients in low fire with the lemon grass until brown.

For the Hard Boiled Egg

I guess you will have no problem cooking it yourself, right?

Wednesday 25 July 2012

Pengly Stilo Jindan Vermiĉeloj

Very much influenced by Micheal Smith's cooking without a recipe, this dish may well be the one and only dish ever being cooked in this world. A dish that no one else in the world have ever cooked before.

Ingredients :

2 pcs air dried Jintan noodle
1 pcs 5-stars brand black pepper chicken sausage (cutting into thin slices)
1 pcs Bee Cheng Hiang's bakkua
1 egg
4 Tesco XXL prawns (Baked for 10 minutes at 120°C )
200 g cabbage (cut into small)
1 clove of garlic (chopped)
Half cup of Maggi tomato ketchup
Half cup of Maggi chilly sauce
Half cup of water
Olive oil
Cooking oil

1.   Cook the Jintan noodle in boiling water for 3 minutes.
2.   Drain away the water.
3.   Add 2 table spoons of olive oil and mix well.
4.   In a non stick pan, add one table spoon of cooking oil.
5.   Heat till hot, add the chopped garlic, stir till brown.
6.   Add in the sausage slices. Fry for a minute.
7.   Add in water, tomato ketchup and chilly sauce. (in sequence)
8.   Stir well, add cabbage
9.   Add an egg, cook till egg solidify.
10.  Serve in plate, add prawns to decorate.

Friday 20 July 2012

Chocolate Marble Bread (tangzhong)

70g fresh milk
20g bread flour (high protein flour)
1 slice Cheddar sandwich cheese

200g bread flour
60g  wholemeal flour
40g caster sugar      
1/4 tsp. salt
4g instant yeast
130g water

20g butter

(D)Chocolate Paste :

2 tablespoons cocoa powder (add a little bit of sugar)
1 tablespoon water


[A] Water Roux Starter
1) In a saucepan, over very low hear melt the shredded cheese with the milk. Stir till the cheese is melted. Add in the 20g of bread flour and stir quickly until flour mixture becomes thicker and form impression. Let it cool. Cover and chill in the fridge for at least 60mins. (left it overnite in the fridge.)
2) Put starter[A] and [B] in a mixing bowl and knead to form dough.
3) Once dough is smooth, add in butter. Continue  kneading till dough develops into elastic form.
4) Takes out about 200g (white dough) from the dough and place in separate bowl.
5) Add cocoa paste [D] into the balance dough and knead till cocoa paste is completely blended.
6) Manually knead in the chocolate chips into the white dough(optional)
7) Place 2 dough in 2 separate mixing bowls, cover with cling wrap and let them proof for 80 mins till double in volume.
8) Test the dough by finger test, if impressions remain, dough is proofed.
9) Remove dough and punch down to remove trapped air as your knead.
10)Shape into balls and cover with cling wrap, let the dough  rest for 15mins.
11)Flattened and roll out the cocoa dough into a 20cm square;    the chocolate chips dough into a 16cm square.
12)Place the chocolate chips dough on top of the cocoa dough.
13)Roll up dough like making swiss roll and place in a well-    greased bread tin.
14)Cover and proof for 60mins or until the dough rise up to 90% of the height of the tin.
15)Bake at preheated oven at 180-190'C for about 30mins.
16)Remove from oven and unmold immediately.
17)Glaze with butter and cover with cloth to cool for at least 10 minutes before slicing.

Plain bread below is also made from same ingredients minus the cocoa paste

** Cocoa portion is a bit too bland...perhaps a little sugar with the paste would better the taste.

25g chocolate chips (optional)

Saturday 30 June 2012

German Rye Bread

I have no idea why this bread is called German Rye Bread...perhaps it's originated from German? There's also American Rye Bread too...
Anyway this bread taste great for those who loves rustic kinda taste. H loves its coarseness ....

Here's the recipe :

200g bread flour
100g organic rye flour
5g instant dry yeasts
190g slightly warm water

10g of molasses.
5 g salt

  1. Put all the ingredients into a dough mixer and let it knead till dough form a thin membrane when pulled
  2. Then place the dough in a greased bowl and covered with cling film to rest for 30 minutes.
  3. Punch it down after the resting .
  4. Place the dough into a bread tin
  5. Cover it with a damp towel and let it proof for about 30 minutes  
  6. Baked it in the oven at 230'C about 25 - 30 minutes.

* You can also shaped the bread into a big round ball sprinkled with some rolled oats to give it a more rustic look...

Wednesday 27 June 2012

Delicious Blueberry Peanut Butter Toast

One nice breakfast menu.  Something different this time.  Try it out, with a cup of Earl Grey tea, that will complete a perfect morning meal.

Massimo  oat bran sandwich bread      6 pieces
Blueberry jam
Peanut butter
Eggs                                                    2 pcs

1.  Beat 2 eggs in a plate. Add a pinch of salt.
2.  Spread a teaspoon of blueberry jam on a piece of bread
3.  Spread a teaspoon of peanut butter on another piece.
4.  Put the piece with blueberry jam on top of the piece with peanut butter to form a sandwich .
5.  Place another piece of bread to cover the blueberry jam.
6.  Heat some butter in a non stick pan.
7.  Soak both side of the sandwich with egg and fry till brown.

Monday 18 June 2012

White House Kopitiam's Famous Breakfast Menu

Picture shows the legendary half boiled egg and roti mentega sejuk

White House Coffee Shop, situated adjacent to the Masjid Muhammadi (the state mosque) of Kota Bharu in Kelantan. Operated by a Kelantanese Chinese family since 1935. This famed shop is frequented by all walks of life, from the rank of the Sultan and the Royal family to the commoners like you and me.

White House Coffee Shop (Courtesy of The Kelantan Times)

If you want to have a taste of the famed half boiled egg, you don't have to go all the way to Kota Bharu now. You can make your own, which is as palatable......

The Recipe :
2 Chicken egg (I used grade A eggs)                    
Pepper to taste
Soya sauce (Kikoman)

1.  Fill a pot of water till it can immerse the eggs.
2.  Heat up the water until boiling point.
3.  Put in the eggs and let it boil for 3 minutes. (Use a digital timer)
4.  Remove the pot from fire and run cold water into it until the water is cooled to body temperature.
5.  Remove the eggs and crack them into a small plate.
6.  Served with pepper and soya sauce.  Enjoy !

The Roti Mentega Sejuk.

1.  A few pcs Massimo whole meal sandwich bread.
2.  SCS butter
3.  The White House Coffee Shop's Kaya*

1.  Toast the bread in a oven toaster until crispy n golden brown.
2.  Serve with a piece of cold butter and some kaya.

*  Don't ask me how to make the kaya.  That is their trade secret recipe which only known to the family        who run the coffee shop.

Sunday 17 June 2012

Multi Grain Bread

The perfect bread to make into tuna cheese toast (HL's favorite) or just as delicious to eat it plain....The brown sugar gave the loaf a special kinda fragrant

The Recipe:
Yields 2 medium loaves

5oog   Multiseed Bread Mix
1/2 T  Instant yeast
2 T    Brown sugar
1 T    Milk Powder 
4 T    Margarine
250-280ml (1 egg + water)

Method :
1.  Put all the ingredients except egg, water and margarine in a
    mixing bowl.
2.  Mix at medium speed and slowly pour in the water.
3.  Add in the margarine and knead till form dough form elastic 
    membrane when pulled.(30 mins)
4.  Proof dough for 30 minutes.
5.  Punched out air in the dough, shape it and put it in a baking
6.  Let it rest for another 20 minutes.
7.  Bake at 180C for about 15 to 20 minutes
8.  Pour out from the tin and let it cool on a rack.

Curry Barramundi Fish Head

Barramundi head                   500 g
Shallots                                 200 g
Baba's curry powder for fish  2 packets
Curry leaf                              10 pcs
Asam gelugor                       5 pcs
Tomatoes                              1 pcs (cut into 4)
Okra                                     6 pcs
Green Chilies                         4 pcs
Long beans                            8 strands (cut into pieces about 4 cm)
Belimbing buloh                     6 pcs
Bird Chilies                            4 pcs
Belacan                                 20 g
Evaporated milk                   150 ml

1.    Peel the shallots and use a blender to blend into paste.
2.    Heat up 3 tablespoon of cooking oil in the pan.
4.    Put in the shallot paste and fry until fragrant.
5.    Add in the curry powder. Fry until a paste is formed.
6.    Add in one litre of water.  Heat until boil.
7.    Add asam gelugor
8.    Add in all the vegetable and the chilies.  Heat in low fire for 15 minutes.
9.    Add evaporated milk. Stir even.
10.  Add in the fish and cook for another 10 minutes with pan covered.

Saturday 16 June 2012

Fried Belacan Kangkong AKA 马来风光 (The Original recipe)

This is essentially a fusion dish.  Cross cultures between the Malaysian Chinese and the Malays.  This popular dish served all Chinese restaurants and some Malay restaurants ever since no less than half a century ago.  After decades of evolution, today, it is almost impossible to find back the original flavour. 

If you want to go back to the time tunnel to get a taste of  past, here is the recipe.


Kangkong                    500  g
Dried shrimps                50  g
Red / Green chilies         4  pcs
Belacan                        30  g
Galic                             1 bulb

1.  Peel the kangkong, take only the younger parts.
2.  Wash and let dry.
3.  Soak the dry shrimps in hot water.
3.  Peel the garlic and chopped fine
4.  Heat up a frying pan with 3 table spoons of cooking oil.
5.  Throw in the garlic and fry till brown.
6.  Add in  the belacan and fry till dissolved.
7.  Add in the kangkong, fry until all leave shriveled. 
8.  add in the chilies, fry for awhile more then pan out and dine.


Friday 8 June 2012

Chocolate Walnut Brownies


230g   softenend unsalted butter
200g   caster sugar
4           eggs
70g     Hershey dark chocolate (minimum 70% cocoa solids)
110g   pecans or walnut
1 tsp   vanilla extract
2 tsp   baking powder
90g     plain flour
130g   cocoa powder
1 tsp   instant coffee granules (omit- bitter enuf ) 
1 tbsp warm water

Method :
  1. Preheat the oven to 180C.  Grease an 18cm/7in square cake tin and line with non-stick baking parchment.
  2. Cream  butter and sugar until pale and fluffy.
  3. Beat in the eggs, one at a time. Add the vanilla extract.
  4. Chop the chocolate and pecans/walnuts and gently fold  into the butter and egg mixture.
  5. Dissolve the coffee granules in two tablespoons of warm water and add to the mixture. Mix together well.
  6. Add in the sifted baking powder, flour and cocoa powder. Mix well; the mixture will be quite wet.
  7. Spoon the brownie batter into the prepared tin and level out the top with a spatula.
  8. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes. Don't over bake, you may have a skewer insert into the cake and come out not clean.
  9. Allow to cool in the tin for ten minutes, then place on a wire rack to cool.
Recipe for Chocolate Ganache :

90g    semi sweet chocolate
80ml   heavy whip cream (35% butter fat)
14g   unsalted butter
1 tbsp cognac or brandy (optional)

Method :
 1.   Place the chopped chocolate in a medium sized heatproof bowl. Set aside.
 2.   Heat the cream and butter in a small saucepan over medium heat. 
 3    Bring just to a boil. Immediately pour the boiling cream over the chocolate and allow  to   stand,    without  stirring, for a few minute .
4.   Stir gently (as you do not want to incorporate air into the ganache) with a spoon or whisk until  smooth.
5.   If   desired, add the liqueur.