Wednesday 25 July 2012

Pengly Stilo Jindan Vermiĉeloj

Very much influenced by Micheal Smith's cooking without a recipe, this dish may well be the one and only dish ever being cooked in this world. A dish that no one else in the world have ever cooked before.

Ingredients :

2 pcs air dried Jintan noodle
1 pcs 5-stars brand black pepper chicken sausage (cutting into thin slices)
1 pcs Bee Cheng Hiang's bakkua
1 egg
4 Tesco XXL prawns (Baked for 10 minutes at 120°C )
200 g cabbage (cut into small)
1 clove of garlic (chopped)
Half cup of Maggi tomato ketchup
Half cup of Maggi chilly sauce
Half cup of water
Olive oil
Cooking oil

1.   Cook the Jintan noodle in boiling water for 3 minutes.
2.   Drain away the water.
3.   Add 2 table spoons of olive oil and mix well.
4.   In a non stick pan, add one table spoon of cooking oil.
5.   Heat till hot, add the chopped garlic, stir till brown.
6.   Add in the sausage slices. Fry for a minute.
7.   Add in water, tomato ketchup and chilly sauce. (in sequence)
8.   Stir well, add cabbage
9.   Add an egg, cook till egg solidify.
10.  Serve in plate, add prawns to decorate.

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