Monday 3 July 2017

Papaya White Fungus Soup 木瓜雪耳滋润汤


300 g          spare ribs ( I didn't use)
150 g          lean meat ( I doubled the amount)
700 g          green papaya
30   g          white fungus
1/2 tbsp      sweet almond (南杏)
1/2 tbsp      bitter almond  (北杏)
4 pcs           red dates
8 bowls       water


1.  Rinse and scald spare ribs and lean meat, then rinse again.
2.  Cut few lines on the green papaya to remove the sap and hence reduce the bitter taste.
3.  Peel the papaya and cut into serving pieces about 2 cm thick
4.  Soak and trim the white fungus, Cut into smaller pieces and clean it.
5.  Wash the sweet almond, bitter almond and red dates.
6.  Place all ingredients into a pot, pour in water, cook over big fire until it boils.*
7.  Reduce to small fire and cook for another 2 hours. *
8.  Add salt to taste.

* I use pressure cooker.

This soup is nutritious; it helps to prevent lost of calcium, improves detoxification functions, beautify skin, removes dark spots, burn fats, prevents bacteria infections, expel heatiness and improves the functions of the spleen.

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