Tuesday 18 July 2017

Bananuts Bread Pudding in Brandy Sauce

The pudding

1/2 baugette
3 eggs
1 1/2 cup of creamer.
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1 tablespoon sugar
10g walnuts
10 g raisin
2 banana
1 piece of 1 cm thick butter
1/2 tsp Vanilla extract

1.  Beat  3 eggs with vanilla extract, sugar and  brown sugar.
2.  Pour the mixture into a 20 cm x 20 cm baking tray.
3.  Tear up baugette  into chunks and put into the tray.
4.  Crush  walnuts and raisin and add into the tray.
5.  Cut the banana into thin slices and add into the tray.
6.  Pour in the creamer and mix all the ingredients.
7.  Cut the butter into small piece and place evenly on the mixture.
8.  Place in the oven at 150OC  for 20 minutes.
9.  Take out from the over, spread top evenly with shredded cheddar cheese. 
10. Continue baking  for another 15 minutes at 170OC or until the cheese turn brown.

The Brandy Sauce

1 cup of creamer
1 piece of 1 cm thick butter
1 tablespoon of brandy

1.  Melt the butter in a pot
2.  Add in the creamer and mix well.
3.  When the mixture simmer, put in a tablespoon of brandy (or to taste).
4.  Bring the mixture to boil.

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