Wednesday 13 July 2011

Potato Dragon (藩薯龙)

Traditional Chinese bread.  Not bad for a first timer.

Recipes :

400 g bread flour
200 g sweet potato
70g sugar
70 ml corn oil
200 ml water
1 tbsp yeast

1.   Steamed sweet potatoes till cooked and mashed them
2.   Proof  yeast with sugar & water in a mixing bowl. 
3.   Add yeast to flour
4.   Knead at least 15 minutes until the dough is smooth.
5.   Add in oil and knead till well combined.
6.   Remove dough from mixing bowl, shape into a smooth ball and put into a greased bowl.
7.   Cover with wet cloth.
9.   Leave aside to proof  till double in bulk. (Place in warm place to speed up the proving process)
10. To test whether the dough is ready or not - press dough with finger, the depression should stay.
11. Punch down, add mashed potatoes and knead again till smooth.
12. Shape the dough into desired shapes (bun or pleated) 
13. Put the shaped doughs on pieces of parchment papers. Leave aside to rest for 15 minutes and let it          double in bulk for the second time.
14. Steam in a steamer for 15 minutes. 

Japanese sweet potatoes can be used to produce nice purple potato dragons

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