Thursday 9 September 2021

Ayam Masak Ungkep


5-6 pcs     chicken meat
3 tbs         tamarind paste 
to taste     salt
to taste     sugar
3 cups      water

Ingridients to be grinded:
2  pcs        onion
1  clove     garlic
10-15pcs   small chili  
1pc            lemon grass
1inch         ginger
1 tsp          coriader seeds
1/2 tsp      fenner seeds
1/2 tsp      tumeric powder

1. Fry the grinded ingredient until fragrant.
2. Add chicken and water.
3. close the lid of the wok for awhile.
4. Add the tumeric paste salt, sugar to taste.
5. When the gravy thicken, dish out and serve..


Roasted Chicken Drumsticks with Potatoes 土豆燒雞腿




1 pc    Medium chicken drumstick with thigh cut into 8 pcs     中雞腿切成8块

1 pc    *potato slice into 6 pcs    土豆切成6块

4 pcs    small chili sliced    小米椒切片

3 pcs     green chili sliced   青椒切片

6 slices    ginger    姜6片

2 cloves    garlic sliced   蒜切片

1 pc    bay leaf    香葉

1tbs    pepper corns    花椒

1 pc    whole star anise    八角整粒

i pc    cinnamon     桂皮,

3 tsps    coarse sugar    白

1 tbs    Chinese cooking wine    绍兴酒

1 tbs    oyster sauce     蠔油

1 tbs   soy sauce    生抽

1 tbs   first draw soy sauce    头抽


1.  Add cooking oil into a hot pan, put in the chicken pieces and fry until golden grown. Remove chicken and leave the extra oil in the pan.

2.  Add in sugar, stir until brown, add in star anise, pepper corns, garlic, ginger, cinnamon and bay leaf, fry till fragrant.

3.  Add in chicken, stir well.

4. Add cooking wine, oyster sauce, soy sauce and first draw, stir well.

5. Add water to just cover chicken.

6. Add potato, stir on and off.

7.  When the gravy thicken, add the chilies.  Stir awhile more.

8.  Serve.

* depend on size, need about 10 minutes to cook

Sunday 5 September 2021

Caramel Popcorns


2 tbs    butter
1 tbs    corn oil
1 tsp    salt
100 g   popcorn kernels
200 g   coarse sugar
100 ml water


1    mixing bowl
1    big baking tray
1    wok with lid (non stick)


1.  Heat up a wok with 1tbs of butter and oil
2.  When the oil bubbles, throw in 2 kernels to test the right temperature. Cover the lid.
3.  When the kernels popped, remove from heat and removed the popped kernel.
4.  Pour in the rest of the kernels. Mix well.
5.  Put the wok back to the fire. Cover the lid.
6.  When the kernels start to pop, shake the wok to let heat evenly distribute to the kernels.
7.  When steam accumulate at the lid, open a little to let out the steam.
8.  When all kernels have popped, (no more popping sound), remove them into the mixing bowl.
9.    Sprinkle and mix the salt with the popcorns.
10.  Melt a tablespoon of butter in the wok.
11.  Add in the sugar.
12.  Add a little water to the sugar, stir continuously.  Add water when it become too think.
13.  Continue until the sugar caramelized, add the rest of the water, stir until the preferred thickness.
14.  Pour the caramelized sugar to the popcorns and mix well. (Pour in bit by bit)
15.  Pour the popcorn on to the baking tray, while cooling down, separate the clumped popcorns.

Saturday 20 February 2021

2021 Chinese New Year Poon Choy 辛丑牛年盆菜



10 pcs      prawns

1 can        clams

½ pc         cuttlefish (吊片)

200 g        jellyfish (海蜇)

1 pc          sea cucumber

10 pcs      fake abalone

10 pcs      fishballs

1 pkt        fake crab’s leg meat

1 flw        broccoli

5 leaves  Chinese cabbage (大白菜)

1 pkt        Hong Kong choy sum (香港菜心)

Ingredients for gravy 

Chicken broth

Can clam's broth

Old soya sauce

Oyster sauce

Chinese cooking wine

Dashi stock

1 pc onion



Ingredients :

1000ml  Water

400ml  Santan (1 bx Ayam brd Lite + 1 bx Kara brd)

245g  Gula melaka (cut into small pcs)

6 tsp  Agar-agar powder 

0.5 tsp  Jelly powder

4  Pandan leaves


1. Mix agar-agar & jelly powder in some water.

2. Add gula melaka, pandan leaves to water n bring to slow boil till g.melaka dissolves.

3. Turn down the fire. Add in agar-agar/jelly mixture. Stir till dissolve.

4. Add in santan then off the fire. Do not over boil the santan.

5. Filter dry the cendol then toss them in the tray

6. Filter n pour santan mixture into tray.

7. Chill in fridge over night.