Thursday 9 September 2021

Ayam Masak Ungkep


5-6 pcs     chicken meat
3 tbs         tamarind paste 
to taste     salt
to taste     sugar
3 cups      water

Ingridients to be grinded:
2  pcs        onion
1  clove     garlic
10-15pcs   small chili  
1pc            lemon grass
1inch         ginger
1 tsp          coriader seeds
1/2 tsp      fenner seeds
1/2 tsp      tumeric powder

1. Fry the grinded ingredient until fragrant.
2. Add chicken and water.
3. close the lid of the wok for awhile.
4. Add the tumeric paste salt, sugar to taste.
5. When the gravy thicken, dish out and serve..


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