Wednesday 29 June 2022

Sea ​​Bass Asam Pedas


To be ground (A)

1 ladle        chili paste

6 pcs          shallots

3 cloves      garlics

2 cm           ginger

1 pc            lemon grass (julienne the softer part)

2 pcs           Candle nuts

1 tbs            belacan (grilled)

1 tsp            black pepper corns

(optional)    dried chili

Others (B)

4 pcs            sea bass meat.  (can use the whole fish)

5 pcs            okra

1 pc              tomato (sliced into 4)

a palmful      kesum leaves

a small bold  tamarind water

1 pc                kantan flower (cut into 4 pieces)

2 tbs                tomato sauce

3 tbs                cooking oil

to taste            salt and sugar


1.  In a wok, heat a up 3 spoons of cooking oil.

2.  Saute the ground ingredients (A) until the oil is separated from the spices.

3.  Put in the fish meat and the tamarind water.  Half cook the fish meat.  Add some water if the sauce becomes too thick.

4.  Add in the kantan flower and the kesum leaves cook until boils,

5.  Add salt and sugar to taste.

6.  Add tomato sauce

7.  Add in the okra and the tomato until the okra is soft.


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