Thursday 3 September 2020

Rendang Asam Ikan Kembong


3 pcs            Ikan kembong (Chub mackerel)
2 tbs             Tumeric powder
5 pcs            Shallots (sliced)
1 inch           Ginger (jullienned)
1 tbs             Vinegar
1 tbs             Sweet soya sauce 
1 pc              Tamarind paste (a handful) make a rice bowl of juice
1 pc              Onion  (sliced)
2 pcs             Green/red chili 
To taste         Salt, sugar and bird chili


1.  Add tumeric powder to the fish and mix well.
2.  Deep friend the fish till brown, set aside.
3.  Add one tablespoon of oil to a pan, 
4.  Add shallots, ginger and bird chili, fry till caramelized. 
5.  Add vinegar, tamarind juice and soya sauce.
6.  Add onion and green/red chili.
7.  Add in the fish, stir, and shimmer for 3 minutes with lid on.


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