Wednesday 30 September 2020

Sweet and Sour Spare ribs (糖醋排骨)



500 g        Spare ribs
1 pc          Spring onion
1 inch       Ginger
4 cloves    Garlic
1 full pc    Star anise
15 pcs       Pepper corn
1 tbs          Vinegar
2 pcs          Bay leaf
1 stick       Cinnamon 
2 tbs          Soya sauce
1 tbs          Thick soya sauce
1 tbs          Chinese cooking wine
2 pcs         Rock sugar
1 tsp          Sugar (or totaste)
1 tsp          Sesame seeds ( I forgot)


1.    Cut ribs to bite size.
2.    In a pot, all water just enough to cover the ribs.
3.    Boil ribs, clear the floating residue.
4.    Add ginger, star anise, pepper corn, cinnamon and bay leaf.
5.    Boil big fire for 10 minutes, and reduce to medium fire.  Boil ribs for an hour.
6.    Bring out the ribs and set aside, keep the soup.
7.    In a wok, heat up 2 table spoon of oil.
8.    Melt the rock sugar in the hot oil.
9.    When turn brown, put in the ribs, mix well with the sugar.
10.  Add some soup until half cover the ribs.
11.   Add soya sauce, thick soya sauce, vinegar and wine.
12.   Add more sugar if needed. 
13.   With big fire cook till gravy thicken.
14.   Remove to a serving dish, sprinkle the sesame seeds, serve.

Tuesday 29 September 2020

Jajiangmyeon Sauce(炸酱面酱)



300 g        Minced pork belly  (五花肉)
8 pcs         Medium size dried shitake mushroom (soaked and keep the water)
6 cloves    Garlic (chopped)
2 inch        Ginger (chopped)
10 cm        Big scallion (sliced)
1 pc           Onion (sliced)
1 pc           Star anise
2 pcs          Bay leaf
2 tbs           Bean paste (黄豆酱)
2 tbs           Sweet paste (甜面酱)
1 tbs           Oyster sauce
2 tbs           Soya sauce
2 tbs           Sugar
to taste       White pepper powder


1.    Mince the soaked ready shitake mushroom.
2.    Heat up some oil in a frying pan.
3.    Add onion and scallion (leave some for later use). star anise and bay leaves.  Fry till fragrant and the ingredients turn brown.
4.    Scoop out the ingredients and leave the oil in the pan.
5.    Add minced meat, fry till fragrant.
6.    Add in ginger, garlic and scallion.Fry till fragrant.
7.    Add mushroom.
8.    Add salty bean paste.
9.    Add sweet paste.
10.  Add oyster sauce.
11.  Add soya sauce and mushroom water.
12.  Add in remaining scallion.
13.  Fry till thicken.











1. 打入4勺面粉到碗里 待用

2. 面粉加入水 调成稠状 (水与面粉比例是1:3 )用手搅拌均匀 把面疙瘩尽量捏散

3. 加入4勺老抽调匀

4. 加入5勺白糖 (可根据自己口味调入)

5. 锅里倒入一点点熟植物油 (留两三勺油一会备用)再倒入调好的面糊 可以提前把油烧熟 然后冷却至温热 不然面糊下锅会炸油

6. 开中火 迅速贴着锅底搅拌

7. 如果面糊下锅结块的话 适量加入凉水搅拌 如果觉得颜色不够可以再加点老抽 到你满意的颜色为止

8. 先尝一下酱的咸甜 不够可以继续加糖加盐

 9. 期间一定要不停贴着锅底搅拌 直至面糊变成略稠的酱 再将刚才备用的油倒入面酱迅速搅拌至融合 然后关火 放置冷却装瓶放入冰箱

Tuesday 22 September 2020

Rendang Kerang (Cockle rendang)



1 kg kerang
½ coconut of coconut milk
1 pc lemon grass -mashed
2 tbp chili flakes
1 pc dried tamarind
1 tbs salt
1 tbs palm sugar
1 tbs fine driend coconut flesh (kerisik)
½ pc tumeric - jullienne

Blend ingredients:
3 pcs shalot
3pcs garlic
½ inch ginger
½ inch galangal
½ inci tumeric
1 pc lemon grass


1.  Heat up a frying pan, pour in the blended ingredients until fragrant.

2.   Add in coconut milk, stir until boil.

3.  Add in tamarind, salt and palm sugar, stir until oil is visible.
4.  Keep stirring until near dry, add in the cockle flesh.
5.  Stir for another 5 minutes.
6.  Serve while hot.

Thursday 3 September 2020

Rendang Asam Ikan Kembong


3 pcs            Ikan kembong (Chub mackerel)
2 tbs             Tumeric powder
5 pcs            Shallots (sliced)
1 inch           Ginger (jullienned)
1 tbs             Vinegar
1 tbs             Sweet soya sauce 
1 pc              Tamarind paste (a handful) make a rice bowl of juice
1 pc              Onion  (sliced)
2 pcs             Green/red chili 
To taste         Salt, sugar and bird chili


1.  Add tumeric powder to the fish and mix well.
2.  Deep friend the fish till brown, set aside.
3.  Add one tablespoon of oil to a pan, 
4.  Add shallots, ginger and bird chili, fry till caramelized. 
5.  Add vinegar, tamarind juice and soya sauce.
6.  Add onion and green/red chili.
7.  Add in the fish, stir, and shimmer for 3 minutes with lid on.