Monday 7 August 2017

Peanuts Pearl Beans Rib Soup 花生珍珠豆排骨


500  g ribs (chopped into pieces)
10    g wolfberries 枸杞子
30    g Polygonatum 玉竹
20    g  Beiqi  北芪
50    g  Dried figs  无花果
20    g Codonopsis 党参
200  g peanuts (soak over night)
250  g  pearl beans 珍珠豆
2000 g water
Salt to taste

1.  Boil the ribs over high heat until meat is cooked.
2.  Remove from boiling water and rinse clean.
3.  Add all ingredients to 2000 ml of boiling water and boil for 2 hours

I put everything into mypressure cooker and let the cooker do everything.

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