Wednesday 2 August 2017

Kak Wok's Fried Chicken

1/2 a chick, cut into small pieces
1 tsp salt
1 tbs chicken stock powder (I didn't use)
1 tsp turmeric powder
4 long beans cut into 2 cm pieces
1 onion julienned
3 large red chillies cut into pieces
cooking oil for frying

1.  Mix the chicken with salt, stock powder and turmeric powder, marinate for at         least 15 mins.
2.  Fry the chicken meat in oil until golden brown.
3.  Remove chicken meat from oil and drain well.
4.  Heat up 2 tbs of cooking oil, fry the onion until fragrant.
5.  Add in long beans and chillies, fry till cooked.
6. Add in the fried chicken and mix well.

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