Saturday 2 May 2020

Artisan Ciabatta Bread

  • 350 g bread flour
  • 280 g water
  • 1 tsp yeast
  • 1 tsp salt
1.  Into a bowl, pour the water in, add in the yeast and salt and stir until the salt dissolved. 
2.  Add in the flour. Mix everything together. 
3.  After half and hour of proofing stretch and fold the dough.
4.  Repeat step 3 for another 3 times.
5.  Transfer the dough on to a floured work surface.
6.  Now pull the dough from underneath to form a rectangular sheet.
7.  Roll the dough, Pinch the edge to seal.
8.  Divide the dough into four equal parts.
9.  Place each piece on a well floured surface, dust the top with some flour and then cover it with a plastic film.
10. After 45 minutes of proofing, take the proofed dough and then gently stretch the dough to form the shape ciabatta bread and transfer them on to parchment paper.
11. Slide the parchment paper onto the preheated an inverted baking tray.
12. Spray the dough with some water immediately.
13. Bake at 450°F for first 10 minutes and then reduce the temperature to 400°F and bake for another 12-15 minutes.
14. Wait for another 5 minutes to get that right flavor and crispy crust.

Saltwater Chicken (咸水鸡)


1 pc            Chicken breast
1 pc            Chicken thigh
20 g            Scallion (cut)
10 g            Garlic (chopped)
10 g            Chili (cut)
1  tsp          Sugar
½ cube       Chicken stock (5 g)
to taste       White pepper powder

1.    Bring a pot of water to boil.  Water lever high enough to submerge the chicken.
2.    Put in the chicken and bring to boil again.
3.    With small fire, continue for another 20 minute. (until no blood is seen)
4.    Take out the chicken and let cool.
5.    Shred the meat.
6.    Scoop up one scoop of the soup in the pot and dissolve the stock cube.
7.    Pour into the shredded meat.
8.    Add in all other ingredients and mixed well and serve.