Monday 27 February 2017

Gulai Darat Kelantan (Ikan Kering)


Salted fish (kurau/cencaru, I used talang), Cut into pieces if needed.
1 medium size pineapple (half ripened)
1 medium size cucumber. Diced
Santan from 1 coconut
10 dried chilies (soaked in hot water)*
5 bulbs of shallots*
3 piese of garlics*
1 cm of galangal*
1 cm or fresh tumeric*
3 large chilies
salt to taste
sugar to taste


1.  Peel and cut pineapple into cubes, boil till soften, toss dry.
2.  Blend the ingredients with *
3.  In a wok, mix the blended ingredients with  santan, salted fish, large chilies, pineapple and cucumber.
4.  Add water to cover all ingredients.
5.  Medium fire cook till fragrance can be smelled. (about 20 minutes)
6.  Add salt and sugar if needed.  ( I did not.)

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