Sunday 6 December 2015

Serikaya Cake

Ingredients :

230g butter
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
5 eggs

(B) Sieve together :
175g plain flour
1.5 tsp double action baking powder 

(C) Mix :
100g condensed milk (a bit too sweet)
150g kaya
125g Horlicks
100g treacle
200ml evaporated milk

Macadamia nuts (chopped)

Methods :
1.    Grease a 9" round tin.  Preheat oven at 180 C.
2.   Beat butter and vanilla till creamy.  Add in eggs one at a time.
3.   Add in (B) and (C) alternately until well combined.
4.   Pour into tin and sprinkle with chopped macadamia.
5.    Steam bake for 45 - 50 mins untl skewer comes out clean.

Saturday 5 December 2015

Marble Chocolate Cheese Cake

Ingredients :
180g butter
20g cooca powder
170g castor sugar
3 eggs
120g SR flour

250g cream cheese
60g castor sugar
1 ts vanilla
1 egg
1/2 cup water (or milk)


1.   Melt butter. Add cocoa powder and mix well
2.   Cool slightly. Add in sugar.  Beat in egg one by one.
3.   Mix in flour.  Pour into 8" square tin.
4.   Bake at 170C for 15 minutes ( half cooked)
5.   Mix and beat well all ingredients (B)
6.  Pour over (A).
7.   Swirl thru with small knife for marble effect.
8.   Bake for 30 mins

Nutella Oreo Cheese Cake

(A)  Base :

190 g   Oreo + Julie (remove cream)
60 g    unsalted butter (melted)


750 g     cream cheese (room temp.)
1/2 c      heavy cream
3/4 c      sugar (165 gm)
3/4 Tb   cornstarch
1.5 tsp    vanilla extract
3             eggs (room temp)

1/2 c    Nutella
1.5 Tb     heavy cream


1.    Pulse oreo in a food processor.  Add melted butter & mix .
2.    Pour out mixture into a 10 in springfoam pan.
3.    Bake 180 C for 13 - 15 min
4.    Mix cream cheese with heavy cream.  Add in ingredients (B)
5.    Reserved 1/3 (B) mixture
6.    Add  (C) to  no. 5
7.    Pour  (B) onto cookie base , even top with spatula.
8.    Pour in no. 6, even the top
9.    Bake at 150 C for 45 - 55 mins
10.  Turn off the heat , leave cake in oven for another 1 hour.
11.   Remove cake and let it cool completely before  unmoulding.
12.   Top with chocolate ganache.  Refrigerate overnight.

Ganache  :
 1.    Boil 1/3 cup of cream . 
 2.    Add in 2/3 cup of nutella.