Wednesday 25 July 2012

Pengly Stilo Jindan Vermiĉeloj

Very much influenced by Micheal Smith's cooking without a recipe, this dish may well be the one and only dish ever being cooked in this world. A dish that no one else in the world have ever cooked before.

Ingredients :

2 pcs air dried Jintan noodle
1 pcs 5-stars brand black pepper chicken sausage (cutting into thin slices)
1 pcs Bee Cheng Hiang's bakkua
1 egg
4 Tesco XXL prawns (Baked for 10 minutes at 120°C )
200 g cabbage (cut into small)
1 clove of garlic (chopped)
Half cup of Maggi tomato ketchup
Half cup of Maggi chilly sauce
Half cup of water
Olive oil
Cooking oil

1.   Cook the Jintan noodle in boiling water for 3 minutes.
2.   Drain away the water.
3.   Add 2 table spoons of olive oil and mix well.
4.   In a non stick pan, add one table spoon of cooking oil.
5.   Heat till hot, add the chopped garlic, stir till brown.
6.   Add in the sausage slices. Fry for a minute.
7.   Add in water, tomato ketchup and chilly sauce. (in sequence)
8.   Stir well, add cabbage
9.   Add an egg, cook till egg solidify.
10.  Serve in plate, add prawns to decorate.

Friday 20 July 2012

Chocolate Marble Bread (tangzhong)

70g fresh milk
20g bread flour (high protein flour)
1 slice Cheddar sandwich cheese

200g bread flour
60g  wholemeal flour
40g caster sugar      
1/4 tsp. salt
4g instant yeast
130g water

20g butter

(D)Chocolate Paste :

2 tablespoons cocoa powder (add a little bit of sugar)
1 tablespoon water


[A] Water Roux Starter
1) In a saucepan, over very low hear melt the shredded cheese with the milk. Stir till the cheese is melted. Add in the 20g of bread flour and stir quickly until flour mixture becomes thicker and form impression. Let it cool. Cover and chill in the fridge for at least 60mins. (left it overnite in the fridge.)
2) Put starter[A] and [B] in a mixing bowl and knead to form dough.
3) Once dough is smooth, add in butter. Continue  kneading till dough develops into elastic form.
4) Takes out about 200g (white dough) from the dough and place in separate bowl.
5) Add cocoa paste [D] into the balance dough and knead till cocoa paste is completely blended.
6) Manually knead in the chocolate chips into the white dough(optional)
7) Place 2 dough in 2 separate mixing bowls, cover with cling wrap and let them proof for 80 mins till double in volume.
8) Test the dough by finger test, if impressions remain, dough is proofed.
9) Remove dough and punch down to remove trapped air as your knead.
10)Shape into balls and cover with cling wrap, let the dough  rest for 15mins.
11)Flattened and roll out the cocoa dough into a 20cm square;    the chocolate chips dough into a 16cm square.
12)Place the chocolate chips dough on top of the cocoa dough.
13)Roll up dough like making swiss roll and place in a well-    greased bread tin.
14)Cover and proof for 60mins or until the dough rise up to 90% of the height of the tin.
15)Bake at preheated oven at 180-190'C for about 30mins.
16)Remove from oven and unmold immediately.
17)Glaze with butter and cover with cloth to cool for at least 10 minutes before slicing.

Plain bread below is also made from same ingredients minus the cocoa paste

** Cocoa portion is a bit too bland...perhaps a little sugar with the paste would better the taste.

25g chocolate chips (optional)