Tuesday 4 August 2020

The Legendary Cola Chicken Wings 可乐鸡翅


4 pcs                 Chicken wings
1/2 bulb            Onion
1 cm                 Cinnamon
1 pcs                Star anise
2 pcs                Clove
3 slices            Ginger
5 pcs                Pepper corn
1 tbp                Matured soya sauce 老抽
1 tbs                Cooking oil
1 can               Coca-cola


1.  Put the chicken wings in boiling water with ginger for 5 minutes.  Take out, was and drain the water.
2.  In a pan, heat up the cooking oil, stir fry thr cinnamon, star anise and cloves until fragrant.
3.  Put in the wings, all matured soya sauce, stir until color even.
4.  Pour in the whole can of coca-cola.
5.  Medium fire heat for 15 minutes with lid on.
6.  High heat until gravy thicken.