Thursday 11 January 2018

Kuih Tok Aji Serban a.k.a Sri Kaya


1 1/2 cup          Glutinous rice
1 piece             Gula Melaka
1 tbs                 Sugar
1 pinch             Salt
5 pcs                 Eggs
300 g                Santan


The bottom layer

1.  Wash and soak glutinous rice for an hour.
2.  Rinse off water of the glutinous rice and put into a 8 inches tray.
3.  Dilute 200 g of santan to 2 cups of mixture and pour into the tray.
4.  Add sugar and salt, mix well.
5.  Place it into a steamer and steam for 30 minutes.
6.  Let cool.

The top layer

1.  Melt the gula melaka in a little water and let cool.
2.  Beat up 5 eggs, add in the remaining santan and the melted gula melaka.
3.  Mix well.

The assembling.

1.   In the tray, press the glutinous rice till firm.
2.   Sieve the eggs mixture onto the glutinous rice.
3.   Place the tray into the steamer and steam for another 20 minutes.


Eggs mixture can add 2 pcs of clove.
I pcs of daun pandan can be added to the glutinous rice while steaming