Sunday 5 February 2012

Cordyceps Fish Maw Soup


1            kampong chicken
200 g     lean pork
100 g     fish maw
5 pcs     dry scallop
2    g      cordycept 虫草
20  g      Chinese yam 淮山
25  g      Dang Shen 党参
15 pcs   dry longan 圆肉
10 pcs    red date
2 slices   ginger
5 tbsp    Shao Xing wine 绍兴酒
5 bowls  water
Salt to taste

1.  Remove the skin and fat of chicken.
2.  Clean the chicken and the lean pork.
3.  Boil fish maw and leave to soak with lid overnight. Repeat the next day.
4.  Add slice ginger and wine into adequate water and bring to boil. Clean fish maw,    chicken and lean pork separately in the boiling water.
5.  Rinse and dish out.
6.  Wash separately cordyceps, chinese yam, dang shen. dried scallop, dry longan dan  red date.
7.  Boil 5 bowls of water. Add in all ingredients. With lid on, bring to boil.
8.  Add another 7 bowls of water and bring to boil over big fire.
9.  Stew with low fire for  about 3 hours.
10.Add salt and serve hot.