Wednesday 9 November 2011

Blueberry Cheese Tarts


Yields 16 cute medium size delicious tarts

Ingredients : 

250g  plain flour
15g  milk powder (full cream)
55g castor sugar
170g  butter (cut into small cubes)
40g  egg (lightly beaten)

Cream Cheese Filling :
25g  butter
250g  cream cheese
60g  icing sugar
1  egg
2tbs  lemon juice (to taste/optional)
150g  blueberry jam

Pastry Making:
1.  Mix in flour , milk powder ,butter and sugar.  Rub with finger tips till like breadcrumbs.
2.  Add in eggs gradually.
3.  Knead to form dough.
4.  Wrap dough with plastic and refrigerate for 30 mins
5.  Roll out dough to about 1/4cm thickness and cut it with a round cutter.
6.  Fit cut dough into the mould.

How to make the cheese filling
1.  Cream sugar, butter and cream cheese till fluffy. 
2.  Add in egg and lemon juice.

Methods :
1.  Spoon a lit bit of blueberry jam into the pastry tarts.
2.  Fill them up with cheese filling (till the brim)
3.  For deco :  spoon out some filling and mix with some desired colourings.
     Decorate according to your artistic skills.
4.  Bake tarts at 180 C for 10 mins.

Egg Custard Filling :
4 large egg yolks
1 large whole egg
1 Tbs icing sugar
3/4 cup whole/evaporated milk